Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hafiz poetry

There was a lovely poem in my mailbox from my friend, poet and photographer, Sarah:


We have not come here to take prisoners,
But to surrender ever more deeply
To freedom and joy.

We have not come into this exquisite world
To hold ourselves hostage from love.

Run my dear,
From anything
That may not strengthen
Your precious budding wings.

Run like hell my dear,
From anyone likely
To put a sharp knife
Into the sacred, tender vision
Of your beautiful heart.

We have a duty to befriend
Those aspects of obedience
That stand outside of our house
And shout to our reason
"O please, O please,
Come out and play."

For we have not come here to take prisoners
Or to confine our wondrous spirits,

But to experience ever and ever more deeply
Our divine courage, freedom and

~ Hafiz ~

(The Gift ~ versions of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Desmond Tutu

My e-mail artist circle wrapped up the last chapter of Julia Cameron's "Finding Water" last week. We shared a number of inspirational poems and thoughts with one another. This was one of my favorites:
"You are a child of my own heart
Seek out your deepest joy and you fill find me there.
Find that which makes you most perfectly yourself and know that I am at the heart of it.
Do what delights you
And you will be working with me,
Finding your life,
Hidden in me."

Desmund Tutu from "Made for Goodness"